The Ultimate Guide to Profitable Option Selling

-Get the exact strategy that netted me and my friends $250,000 over 20 days

-Learn the simple tricks professionals use to find these trades

Learn How the Pros Trade Options

The gap between retail traders’ understanding of options and professional knowledge is astronomical.

What I’ve done is distilled the most important concepts professionals use to value and trade options into an accessible, repeatable process. 

With some knowledge of how options work, as well as the economics of derivatives markets, (truly) anyone can learn how to make great money. 

What Readers Say

"For every new option trader, this book should be the first step in their trading journey.....

Sean, the author, is one of the few real people in the trading education space."
“If you are looking for a practical and tangible approach to making money through trading the markets, this concise book delves straight into how and why professional traders are successful, and guides you on starting your own journey in this field”
Regular John

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