As a PA Member

You'll Be Able To

7 Day free trial.
Limited to 1,000 option sellers.

Monthly Membership

The "kick the tires for a month or two" plan

We get it, a year is a long commitment. So if you want to learn the strategies, do some coaching, and get your book set up, you can do so for $79/mo. It’s a lower commitment plan, but it’s also just that. It’s low commitment.



What's included in Monthly:

Exclusive Annual Benefits


Annual Membership (Save 30%)

The "let's lock in" plan

If you pick this plan then you are committing to learning these strategies and taking your trading to the next level. We will match your commitment by dedicating our time and resources to you. We will also knock off 30% of the cost because we know that our time investment into you will pay off.



What's included in Annual:

Exclusive Annual Benefits:

If you're done with the nonsense and just want to run a strategy that works..

Pick a plan and lets get it going!